Alexandra Galvis (she/her) is a producer, distributor, cultural manager and teacher. She has been executive producer of: Human Tower (Cano Rojas), Bikes vs. Cars and Push (Fredrik Gertten), and La Cordillera de los Sueños (Patricio Guzmán, Golden Eye at Cannes’19-Official Selection). She has also worked as a producer for the BBC, BBC World and Canal 13. As a distributor, she has run Market Chile since 2012, a platform that seeks to spread Chilean cinema in commercial and cultural circuits. In this context, she also runs the program Efecto Cine, a mobile cinema tour that takes cinema to places where there are no theaters (remote regions, hospitals, prisons) and Efecto Pedal, a professional platform of itinerant cinema that works with the energy of bicycles. Alexandra has led the distribution strategy for more than 150 Chilean films and some international films, such as the documentary hits Tea Time and The Grown-Ups (Maite Alberdi), El Botón de Nácar (P. Guzman), and Human Flow (Ai WeiWei). She has worked for 13 years on the development of the audiovisual industry in Chile through several programs. She has been a teacher on various universities and film festivals, and is regularly invited to evaluate national and international film funds.