Filmmaker Maris Salumets in her film War on Women
Still from War on Women

The AlumNest, or ‘the Nest,’ is our community of currently supported Chicken & Egg Films grantees and alumni filmmakers. Our filmmakers are from all around the world, join us at various stages with their projects and careers, and have a wide range of lived experiences and knowledge. Today, more than 500 women and gender-expansive directors are part of our Nest—a number that only continues to grow. 

We’ve received resounding feedback that the peer bonds our filmmakers build are a powerful outcome of their time with us. First and foremost, the Nest serves to expand this holistic support and community-building beyond a single program year, providing filmmakers both online and in-person spaces to connect with and learn from one another. The AlumNest also helps our filmmakers nurture industry relationships and take advantage of additional funding and mentorship opportunities designed just for them. 

AlumNest members access: 

  • A robust online community for sharing advice, opportunities, and discussion related to the craft, industry, and hot documentary topics

  • Meaningful in-person community-building events and filmmaker gatherings

  • One-to-one and small group creative and professional mentorship from the C&E team and industry representatives

  • Special offerings and resources available only to the Nest

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