We are no longer accepting applications for the 2025 Research & Development Grant. The application deadline was Feb 4, 2025, at 11:59 PM EST.
This program supports filmmakers who are in the research or development phase of their feature documentary.
Launched in 2023 with support from Netflix, the Chicken & Egg Films Research & Development Grant provides financial support to directors during research and development, filmmaking phases that are too often unpaid and unsupported. Many filmmakers invest their personal resources to get their projects off the ground because it is hard to secure funding without significant sample material. Yet, producing material without external funding can be almost impossible. Our grant addresses this “chicken or egg” challenge.
A total of $450,000 USD is awarded in the following grant amounts:
$10,000 USD grants for Research
$20,000 USD grants for Development
The 2025 Chicken & Egg Films Research & Development Grant is generously supported by the Netflix Fund for Creative Equity.
To reference all information about eligibility and the list of application questions, please download this Program & Application Guide.
Have questions? Watch a recording of our team's informational webinar from January 9.
2024 R&D Grant Recipients
Our most recent cohort is listed below. More details can also be found here in our announcement published August 26, 2024.
2024 Research Grant Recipients
1. Assia Boundaoui (dir.) - US, Algeria
2. Leola Calzolai-Stewart (dir.) - US
3. Ali Grant (dir.) - Canada
4. Hazel Gurland-Pooler (dir.) - US, Colombia
5. Sini Hormio & Anu Silfverberg (dirs.) - Finland
6. Minji Ma (dir.) - South Korea
7. Nadina Marquisio (dir.) - Argentina
8. Anushka Meenakshi & Richa Chandru Bhavanam (dirs.) - India
9. Jennifer Ngo (dir.) - Hong Kong
10. Jules Rosskam & Irene Lusztig (dirs.) - US
11. Sonia Ben Slama (dir.) - France, Tunisia
12. Angela Tucker (dir.) - US
13. Elizabeth Lo (dir.) - US, Hong Kong
2024 Development Grant Recipients
1. Sahra Mani (dir.) - Afghanistan, France (Dream of Grape Gardens)
2. Rand Beiruty (dir.) - Jordan (Portrait of A)
3. Michèle Stephenson (dir.) - US, Haiti (Oshun and My Grandmother: A Fable In Four Movements)
4. Sumie García (dir.) - Mexico (Maps of Post-truth)
5. Nico Opper (dir.) - US (Untitled Alexandra Billings Project)
6. Francesca Trianni (dir.) - Italy (Untitled Predator Project)
7. Rintu Thomas & Sushmit Ghosh (dirs.) - India (The Untitled Memory Project)
8. Jialing Zhang (dir.) - US (Dreams*)
9. Georgina Cammalleri (dir.) - Argentina, UK (Olympic Twins*)
10. Jane M. Wagner (dir.) - US (*holds you tight*)
11. Zippy Kimundu (dir.) - Kenya, Ireland (The White Doctor)
12. Inna Sahakyan (dir.) - US, Armenia (The Judge and the Dictator*)
13. Alexa Bakony (dir.) Hungary - (Highways of Hope*)
14. Alyx Duncan & Briar March (dirs.) - New Zealand (Memento Mori)
15. Anabel Rodríguez Ríos (dir.) - Venezuela (The Journey to Santa Rosa de Amanadona)
16. Carola Fuentes (dir.) - Chile (Untitled Chilean Documentary)
*Working title
guiding principles
Trust: This grant initiative is driven by our trust in filmmakers with an established track record. We trust that applicants will make the best determination about which stage to apply to based on the information presented below.
Simplicity: We aim to keep the application as simple as possible so that filmmakers are not burdened by the process.
Deep listening: This grant emerged from listening to a wide range of stakeholders including filmmakers and field representatives during our 2023-2025 Strategic Planning process. Filmmakers shared a desire for financial support to be allocated where they see the greatest need, as well as time and space to think, research, and develop new ideas.
You may only submit one application per cycle. If you have more than one eligible project, you must submit only one for consideration. You may apply for either the Research Grant or Development Grant, but not both.
Applicant Eligibility Filmmakers must meet the following criteria:
Identify as a woman or gender-expansive filmmaker.
Have directed at least one feature-length documentary, which is defined as an independently produced film that is at least 48 minutes in length.
Be based anywhere in the world (except for countries under comprehensive US sanctions).
Project Eligibility Projects must meet the following criteria:
Must be a documentary or nonfiction film (including hybrid docs).
Must be feature-length (48 minutes or more).
Must be in the research or development stage.
Must be independently produced. Works-for-hire are not eligible, and student films produced in an undergraduate or graduate program are also not eligible.
You cannot apply for an R&D grant and our (Egg)celerator Lab program with the same project in the same year. You may, however, apply to the (Egg)celerator Lab with the same film project if you applied for R&D in the previous year, as long as the project and applicant meet all other eligibility requirements.
You do not need a fiscal sponsor to apply for the Research & Development Grant. However, if you are awarded, you must have a US fiscal sponsor, or be a 501(c)(3), to receive the funds.
For more information on eligibility, please download this Program & Application Guide.
evaluation criteria
Priority will be given to films committed to creating social change and/or uplifting underrepresented stories that challenge mainstream narratives. We support a broad range of issues from the personal to the political that explore a variety of artistic approaches, such as personal, experimental, animated, essayistic, archival, and beyond.
Story, Concept, Theme: Is this a timely story? Are the topics and themes compelling and relevant? Are there clear subject matter and questions that will be explored?
Prior Work: Does the director’s prior work exhibit artistry and competency that creates confidence they will execute the current project well?
Access and Accountability: Does the director clearly articulate their connection to the story, film participants, and community, and is thoughtful about the processes for accountability in working with them?
Feasibility and Grant Impact: Are the project idea and planned activities feasible in terms of scope and timeline? Will the grant have an impact on advancing the project?
The majority of the questions are based on the Nonfiction Core Application 2.0, with a few additional questions included. The applications for the Research Grant and Development Grant are not the same. The Development Grant application asks an additional set of questions to collect more detailed information about the project.
Applications are currently closed.
December 2024 | 2025 Research & Development Grant Open Call launches |
February 4, 2025 | 2025 Research & Development application deadline |
February - May 2025 | Chicken & Egg Films reviews applications in a two-round process |
June 2025 | All applicants are notified of final decisions Grants disbursed |
August 2025 | Grant recipients are publicly announced |
January 2026 | 6 month check-in with grantees regarding status of their projects |
Women and gender-expansive filmmakers who are in the research and/or development stage of a new project are eligible to apply. They must have directed at least one completed feature-length film (48 minutes or longer). Co-directing teams, where one director is a woman or gender-expansive filmmaker, are also eligible. In this case, please note that the primary contact of the application should be the woman or gender-expansive director.
We separate the Research Grant from the Development Grant in order to support projects in the earliest stages of creation without requiring all the deliverables necessary for projects in the development phase. However, we recognize that the line between the research and development stage can be open to interpretation.
The differences between research and development stages are often nuanced, and the activities listed in each stage may overlap. For this grant application, we have provided the following definitions and core activities associated with each stage to assist applicants in determining the appropriate grant to apply for.
Research The research stage is a period of sowing and ideation. Core activities include: identifying secondary sources such as literature, art, and cultural materials; familiarizing with other (film) projects; identifying primary sources and collaborators; locating visual assets and archives; identifying and tracking potential or multiple storylines; finding a narrative framework that can support the film; and building foundational relationships with the community and collaborators at the center of the story. Research activities could also be for specific needs in a film that is further in the development (but not production) process.
Development The development stage is a nuanced period of exploration and discovery. Core activities include: gaining access to core participants and collaborators, and starting shooting; developing the story or form of the film; plotting the film’s multiple and intersecting timelines; fine-tuning the development budget and creating a fundraising strategy; creating fundraising materials such as a pitch deck, trailer, teaser, etc.; testing pitch materials for resonance at pitch venues with potential funders; and engaging possible partners.
A total of $450,000 will be disbursed in grants. $10,000 grants will be awarded for research and $20,000 grants will be awarded for development. The final number of Research Grants and Development Grants awarded will be determined during the selection process based on the applicant pool for each category.
If you received R&D support for a project through another program (such as a prior R&D grant, Chicken & Egg Award, or Critical Issues Fund), you are not eligible to apply for this grant with that same project. You are eligible to apply with a new project.
No, you cannot receive both Research and Development grants for the same project.
No. This grant is for those who intend to direct a feature-length documentary (48 minutes or more).
For any questions not addressed on this page, you can email us at research-development@chickeneggfilms.org.