Still from Apart. Tomika and Amanda in the prison yard.
Still from Apart
Film Complete

Directed & Produced by

Jennifer Redfearn

The number of women in U.S. prisons has grown by 800% over the past 40 years. And the vast majority are mothers. In a Midwestern state caught between the opioid epidemic, drug sentencing, and rising incarceration for women, three unforgettable mothers—Tomika, Lydia, and Amanda— return home from prison and rebuild their lives after being separated from their children for years. Their stories overlap at a new reentry program for women, run by Malika, an advocate formerly incarcerated in the same prison. Filmed over 3 ½ years, Apart traces their steps as they reconstruct lives derailed by drugs and prison.

Apart participated in the 2018 (Egg)celerator Lab.

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