Patty Quillin (she/her) is the Founder and Board Chair of Meadow Fund, a donor-advised fund of the Silicon Valley Community Foundation. With a deep conviction that everyone deserves the opportunity to thrive in healthy, just, and sustainable communities, Patty has dedicated over 25 years to philanthropic work across various fields, including environmental conservation, sustainable food systems, social justice, documentary film, and the empowerment of women and girls. As her philanthropy has evolved, Patty has deepened her commitment to gender equity, with a particular emphasis on supporting women in leadership roles. A pivotal moment in Patty's journey occurred in 2016 when she visited a group of young men serving life sentences at San Quentin State Prison. This experience profoundly impacted her, leading to three years of volunteering at the prison and sparking a deep passion for criminal justice reform. Patty is now a passionate advocate for creating a more humane and rehabilitative justice system. In addition to her work with Meadow Fund, Patty serves on the boards of several organizations, including Smart Justice California, the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology, and The 19th* News.